Ways To Give

Transparent 75th anniversary logo

It’s Los Angeles Valley College’s 75th Anniversary Year!

To make a gift in honor our 75th, donate here.


Unrestricted Giving

UNRESTRICTED GIFTS are an excellent way to have an immediate impact at Valley College. These monies can be used to immediately support students on campus through emergency stipends and to support critical and changing needs of campus programs related to updated technology, equipment and new initiatives, beyond what tax dollars alone can provide. Ways to give:

  • Checks to be made out to LAVC Foundation, 5800 Fulton Avenue, Valley Glen, CA 91401
  • Gift of Charitable Remainder Trust, Life Insurance or Real Estate/Property
  • Donor Advised Funds – Consult your financial advisor

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Restricted Giving

RESTRICTED GIFTS allow a donor to earmark the gift toward a particular program, department or scholarship. Examples of restricted gifts:

Legacy Society

The Legacy Society recognizes donors who have named the Los Angeles Valley College foundation in their Estate Plans. These donors have chosen to take advantage of various charitable giving vehicles that will benefit LAVC students in perpetuity. Member’s names are displayed on a wall near the President’s Office and in all foundation literature. Recognition of these donors inspires others to do make similar contributions.

Legacy Society Form (PDF)


The establishment of a permanent endowment is the unique privilege of a donor to provide perpetual funding for a valued purpose. These guidelines are intended to assist persons who are considering making a gift to establish an endowment at the LAVC Foundation. A minimum of $25,000 is required to establish a named endowment fund. The donor(s) may take up to three years to reach the minimum level provided the donor has provided the LAVC Foundation with a written record of the intent.

Download Endowment Form (PDF)

Endowment Defined:

An endowment is a gift whose funds are invested to provide continuing income, in perpetuity, for a general or specific purpose stated in the written endowment agreement between the donor and the LAVC Foundation. Donor established endowments shall be used only for the purpose(s) specified in the endowment agreement which must be accepted by the LAVC Foundation as well as the donor.

Endowment Income:

Income utilization of all endowment funds are determined by the LAVC Foundation Board of Directors. Endowment earnings in excess of the approved utilization are generally credited to the principal of the endowment. This enables the endowment to keep pace with inflation and thereby continue to fulfill the original intent of the donor. Pending donor agreement, a portion of the excess earnings may also be used to support the total program of the LAVC Foundation. This enables institutional stability and flexibility.

A minimum of $25,000 is required to establish an endowment fund for a scholarship, specific program, or other purpose. The donor(s) may take up to three years to reach the minimum level provided the donor has provided the LAVC Foundation with a written record of such a pledge.

The endowment is established when the Foundation Association has received at least $25,000 and the donor and the Executive Director of the LAVC Foundation have signed parameters outlining the purpose of the fund.

Download Endowment Form (PDF)

Matching Gifts

Before making a gift, the LAVC Foundation encourages you to ask your employer about participation in a matching gift program. Corporations often show their support for a non-profit organization by matching or multiplying their employees’ contribution. Please consult your company’s personnel office for further information.

For LAVC Employees:
Employee Payroll Giving

As an employee of LAVC, you know better than anyone how much scholarship support means to our students. Each year, the Foundation awards approximately $135,000 in student scholarships and provides support for many programs on campus. Your monthly or bi-monthly donation helps ensure that we can continue providing critical support for our very deserving students.

LAVC Foundation Payroll Giving Form (PDF)

Newsletters & Publications

August 2024 Newsletter (PDF)

2023 Foundation Annual Report (PDF)

All Foundation Publications

Board Meetings

Agenda - January 28, 2025 (pdf)

Join us for our next meeting scheduled for March 25, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in ACA 2504. For more information, contact the Foundation at foundation@lavc.edu.

Past Meeting Agendas