The Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC) Foundation is a
501 (c)(3) non-profit auxiliary organization formed to generate
support for Los Angeles Valley College.

Life at LAVC

Who We Are

Learn more about the Foundation’s proud mission, our prestgious history, and meet our Board of Directors and staff.

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Los Angeles Valley College Foundation art department

What We Do

The Foundation provides scholarships and opportunities to LAVC students so that they continue to excel in their educational careers.

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LA Valley College baseball

Ways To Give

The Foundation recognizes a variety of donation methods, including Unrestricted and Restricted Gifts, Naming Opportunities, & Endowments.

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Newsletters & Publications

August 2024 Newsletter (PDF)

2023 Foundation Annual Report (PDF)

All Foundation Publications

Board Meetings

Agenda - November 26, 2024 (DOCX)

Join us for our next meeting scheduled for January 28, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in ACA 2504. For more information, contact the Foundation at foundation@lavc.edu.

Past Meeting Agendas

LAVC Alumni – In Their Own Words

Steve Katcher reflects on his LAVC experience.


[ONLINE TEXT: First Steps to Opportunity: Los Angeles Valley College ]
[VISUAL: Closeup of LinkedIn Manager Steve Katcher speaking. ]
I couldn’t have gone anywhere if I didn’t start somewhere and this was the right place to start. My name is Steve Katcher. I was a Valley College student in the 90s. I transferred from Valley to Berkeley in 1997. I’ve been at LinkedIn since about 13 years ago and I run a sales organization for them now.

[ONLINE TEXT: How did you find Valley? ]
[VISUALS: Steve Katcher walking through Valley College campus, sitting in classroom, looking through campus window. ]
Valley College has been like air. It’s really been around me since I was a child. I think I rediscovered Valley College when I wanted to pivot my life and so I returned to something I knew. It wasn’t something that kind of like, you know, tapped me on the shoulder. I came back to an old friend that was there for me when I needed it.

[ONLINE TEXT: What should people know about LAVC? ]
[VISUALS: Steve Katcher flipping through campus magazine, exploring campus, aerial shot of campus.]
Oh my God what a resource it is! It’s incredibly rich here. There’s a lot for everybody. I remember feeling seen at Valley College. They understood who I was. They they took the care to get to know me and to kind of nurture me in class. When I got here I as very hungry for the experience. I was an “re-entry student” is what they called it, at Berkeley at the time. So I was an older student that came back. It was incredibly stimulating and it was great to feel like I had encouragement for just pursuing my interests. I don’t know that people really think of it for the springboard that it can be, and I think it’s a little underappreciated.

[VISUALS: Steve Katcher walking through campus and in classroom.]
I love the old architecture here; the breezeways and the mid-century modern. Your facilities have gotten way better; your new buildings are gorgeous. This one that I’m in is amazing; just the sense that it’s perpetuating, it’s reinvesting in itself it’s still meeting the community where it needs to. It is great to see. It’s not an artifact.

[ONLINE TEXT: Why consider a community college? ]
[VISUALS: Steve Katcher surveying campus and in classroom.]
I run a global sales team. I do a lot of international travel and I meet people all the time from other countries where they don’t have this ability to easily, kind of turn your life around and pivot into a different direction. And we do. And it’s an incredible powerful thing. It was for me.

Janelle Jerome discusses the impact LAVC has had on her.


[ONLINE TEXT: Nothing is Impossible: Los Angeles Valley College ]
[VISUAL: Closeup of LAVC Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach Janelle Jiron speaking. ]
We even have our president; he comes to games, whether it’s on the road or home.

[ONLINE TEXT: Janelle Jiron LAVC Class of 2020 ]
[VISUAL: Janelle Jiron walking through campus athletic gymnasium and on basketball court. ]
Hi my name is Janelle Jiron and I’m currentl  y the Women’s Assistant Basketball Coach here at LA Valley. I’m getting my Masters in Sports Psychology and Performance. Basically what I want to do with that is we teach athletes to strive through obstacles and through difficulty not just within their sport but in their daily life.

Actually, Valley found me. I was in high school, Granada Hills Charter. I was at a tournament one day and one of Coach Hang’s assistants at the time, she found me playing and she actually  approached me.

[ONLINE TEXT: How did Valley make a difference? ]
[VISUAL: Janelle Jiron closeup and in gym. ]
I just say resources, the staff was so willing to help us all the time: teachers, administration, office workers, student workers, like everyone strived to help us be better.

[ONLINE TEXT: What’s new at Los Angeles Valley College? ]
[VISUAL: Janelle Jiron in the gym, aerial shot of campus. ]
The new “everything”… I know everyone comes back and they’re like, wow we didn’t have this when we were here!” But I think it’s just, you know, how much everything has progressed.

[ONLINE TEXT: How was your experience transitioning out of LAVC? ]
[VISUAL: Janelle Jiron working with students in the gym, aerial shot of campus. ]
When I transferred  to my four year, I felt prepared. It was something that I was maybe a little hesitant about, but once I got there and everything that I’ve learned here, like I was ready for it and I just really focused on, you know, the end goal, where I wanted to be and where I am now. For Valley Women’s Basketball team, we have this catchphrase: “Nothing is impossible.” And I try to implement it in my daily life. We try to teach our current players that nothing is impossible, you know, with hard work, dedication. Here at Valley we strive to be a family and we strive to give you as many resources as possible.

Foundation News

It’s Los Angeles Valley College’s 75th Anniversary Year! Learn about upcoming events on our 75th anniversary page or by signing up for our  newsletter. To make a gift in honor our 75th, use our donation page.

LAVC Alumnus Ron Yukelson

LAVC Alumnus Ron Yukelson

Former student Ron Yukelson credits LAVC for paving the way to a highly successful future that included 36 years in the health care industry.

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Estate Planning Seminar

Estate Planning Seminar

The Estate Planning Seminar will be held at Valley College on January 22, 2025. We hope you’ll join us for this rewarding event.

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Of our 17,642 students enrolled at LAVC


are Hispanic/Latino

Student Parents, making up almost 9% of LAVC's student population

First-Generation students, making up about 38% of LAVC's student population

Scholarships Awarded


Money Awarded

Cumulatively over the past 23 years to assist programs and students

Support Valley College!

Help support Los Angeles Valley College through The LAVC Foundation —
the non-profit organization established to benefit LAVC, its programs and students.

NOTE: Clicking on our donate link will redirect you to our secure payment portal.